作为定制 DNA 载体和重组病毒的*驱,VectorBuilder 革命性的在线到离线 (O2O) 平台为生命科学中的所有载体和病毒需求提供了强大的一站式解决方案。VectorBuilder 提供广泛的产物.
自 2015 年投放市场以来,VectorBuilder 以爆炸性的速度发展,成为*大的定制载体和重组病毒供应商。这种增长使 VectorBuilder 能够扩展其产物组合,以包括广泛的附加产物,以满足不断增长的需求。
As a global pioneer in custom DNA vectors and recombinant viruses, VectorBuilder’s revolutionary online-to-offline (O2O) platform provides a powerful one-stop solution to all the vector and virus needs in the life sciences. VectorBuilder has a wide spectrum of offerings, including:
?Vector design
?Custom cloning
?Virus packaging
?Library construction
?BAC recombineering
?Stable cell line generation